Are Keyboards with Drum Pads Useful? Should I Buy Them?

Introduction You may have already used a keyboard, but did you know there are keyboards with drum pads as well? Yes, in the digital age, both drum pads and keyboards are equally relevant when it …

keyboards with drum pads


You may have already used a keyboard, but did you know there are keyboards with drum pads as well? Yes, in the digital age, both drum pads and keyboards are equally relevant when it comes down to music production. Drum pads allow you to create beats on the fly, while the keyboard helps you to play the chords, melodies and the like. Both of them can be used for music production.

Drum Machine Vs. MIDI Keyboard

Before we get to the topic, let’s differentiate both drum machines and MIDI keyboards first.

A drum machine is a device or instrument that has square pads (buttons) that lets you simulate a drum set electronically. The drum machine usually has built-in samples that you can tap and play and create your own percussive rhythms on the fly. They are typically used by hip-hop artists in making beats from scratch, as well as for sampling purposes. Drum machines were also a big thing back in the 90’s – just ask the old school DJ’s.

A MIDI keyboard is a device or instrument that may or may not have sounds on its own (depending on whether it’s a controller only or a keyboard with MIDI function) and allows you to input notes into a computer into your DAW or digital audio workstation – a program for making music in the computer. MIDI keyboards are typically used by nearly all music producers and composers to make the music production process easier when it comes down to coming up with notes, chords, and key melodies.

Alesis V25Best MIDI Pad Controller For Beginners

Now, if we put a drum machine and a MIDI controller together, you basically get a MIDI pad controller. A good startup would be the Alesis V25, which is a 25-key keyboard that already comes with its own set of drum pads (8 pads in total). It has full-sized keys despite being only a 25-key keyboard so you can practice holding them much like a real grand piano. There’s also a sustain pedal input to add to the grand piano realism.

As for the drum pads, these 8 pads are all responsive to velocity and pressure (and of course, they are LED-backlit) so they work much like hitting a real percussive set or using the keyboard keys that have adjustable sensitivity. Top artists who use the Alesis V25 include Robert DeLong, Slushii, Tendts, cavetown, and Lauv.

Akai Professional MPK225Another great MIDI pad controller to mention would be the Akai Professional MPK225 if you’re up for a pricier and more professional tune. Also a 25-key keyboard, it has 8 pads as well and has a lot of buttons and knobs to use and assign, as most MIDI keyboards do. The keys are also full-sized, semi-weighted and ready to be played in any studio or live performance venue.

Top artists who use the Akai Professional MPK225 include Hendersin, Tycho, Logic, Loascil, !llmind, Jordan Fish, The Aston Shuffle, Herobust, and Noga Erez.

You can also check out the video below that shows how many top music producers have been using most Akai controllers for their music.

Both the Akai MPK225 and the Alesis V25 use USB power so you can just easily connect it to any USB power source (e.g. your computer) and there’s no need for an external outlet.

Also, both these two MIDI drum pads and keyboard hybrids have versions with more keys (pricier, of course), such as 49 keys and 61 keys, if you want a full-scale keyboard and drum pad for your studio. Nonetheless, if you’ll be carrying these to a venue or a live performance then it may be better to just bring a small one, especially if you’re just going to use it as a synthesizer for leads.

What Is A Drum Pad Controller?

A drum pad controller is like a MIDI keyboard version of a drum machine. It is usually paired with a MIDI keyboard or controller and you can use the pads like how you would press the keys of the MIDI keyboard. Drum pads also have sensitivity and velocity options, much like the soft-touch or the weighted keys of the MIDI keyboard itself.

Usually, drum pad controllers have 8 pads when you find them alongside a MIDI controller. However, if you find a larger one like the ever-famous Novation Launchpad and other Akai pad controllers, those ones have 16 to 64 pads in total, depending on how large or small each of the pads is. All of them can be routed into your DAW for MIDI control, much like a MIDI keyboard.

What Does A Keyboard Controller Do?

A keyboard controller does the job of converting whatever notes you press into a signal that inputs it as a note onto your DAW. Think of it as a typing keyboard that lets you “type” in the notes that you want to play or to create as a musical score for your next composition.

Additionally, keyboard controllers may also have knobs and wheels (usually the pitch wheel and the mod wheel). These control mechanisms can allow you to adjust effects on the fly since MIDI keyboards can be dynamic when it comes down to pitch bending and the like. Pitch wheels can be useful if you want to spice up a lead melody and bend pitches of a certain long note.


To conclude, keyboards with drum pads are indeed useful for both composers and those who just want to play keyboard (and drum pads). These MIDI drum pad keyboard hybrids are definitely a must-have if you are a big fan of drum machines and you also need a worthy MIDI keyboard for your studio or for your next gig.

Just remember that you should look into the specs of your keyboard with drum pads first before you actually buy one, and purchase one that fits your budget, your room space and the number of keys (or octaves) you actually need or usually play in your performances (or in your studio). We hope this article gives you some insight on keyboards with drum pads and how they work!